8/18.2024: Your Uncle who displays a fake smile to hide the fact he despises you.

Every day, I prompt AI Art with just my name to see what it thinks I am. Then, write up why I feel it came to its conclusion.

8/18.2024: Your Uncle who displays a fake smile to hide the fact he despises you. 

Kevin Wikse

Kevin Wikse, your uncle, a man who wears his disdain like a second skin. His eyes, narrowed and calculating, shoot daggers every time you step into the room. It’s not personal; it’s primal. Something about the way you exist in his space triggers some deeply embedded itch in his brainstem, a reflexive desire to smother your breath with one heavy, calloused hand.

He can barely manage a smile, and when he does, it's like watching a malfunctioning animatronic twitch through the motions—mechanical, joyless. His lips pull back over his teeth, but there's nothing behind it but thinly veiled contempt, a simmering disgust that would probably manifest as an audible growl if society didn’t have its leash wrapped tight around his throat. The worst part is that it’s not even well-hidden. He’s not faking a smile to appease anyone but himself, as though the act of “normalcy” might keep him from snapping your neck during Christmas dinner.

It’s the family ties that save you, the thin, fraying rope of blood that prevents him from doing what his reptilian brain screams at him to do. Every time you cross paths, there’s a moment—a fleeting instant—where he probably imagines you gone, vanished into the ether or better yet, buried in some hole you dug myself, out of his sight and out of his life. And if it weren’t for the hollow rituals of family, the absurd farce of birthdays and reunions, you wouldn’t even exist to him. 

In another world, in another life where blood didn’t bind you, he’d be at peace. No obligation to grunt half-hearted greetings or pretend that your existence doesn’t set his teeth on edge. Without that invisible noose of shared ancestry, he’d let you sink into the dirt and wash his hands of it.

But alas, here you are. Two people locked in a mutual dance of family necessity, one pretending not to hate, and the other pretending not to notice. The charade rolls on, and you keep crawling out of your metaphorical hole, knowing damn well that if you stayed there, he wouldn’t mind a bit. 

-Kevin Wikse

Thank you for visiting my page. I am the only medium, remote viewer, and occultist who, with frightening and stunning accuracy, foresaw the COVID-19 pandemic/hoax and its sinister connections to China. Masks, weaponized and experimental vaccines, mandatory compliance, medical tracking on smartphones, the debacle of the 2020 election, the border crisis, the ILLEGAL migrant and CCP invasion, the specter of World War III, and the looming Magnetic Pole Reversal Global Cataclysm—I predicted it all. VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunological Deficiency Syndrome) and even Dr. Fauci himself, all in my sights as early as 2014. Don’t believe it? See the complete, time-stamped, and documented evidence HERE

Additionally, I accurately predicted BOTH President Trump’s assassination attempt and that Joe Biden would not run again in 2024 for re-election in my “Merry Crisis and a Happy New Fear” 2024 post on 1/1/24. HERE

And that’s not all. My occult and remote influencing work played a pivotal role in the downfall of Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire pedophile and human trafficker. This too is time-stamped and documented. Witness a true and authentic act of Solomonic conjuration from the Lesser Key, Ars Goetia. HERE

Please visit my Official Site HERE.


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